Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Bumpus Goes to Birmingham Project

Here is the rubric for the Bumpus Goes to Birmigham project.

Bumpus Goes to Birmingham
Writing Project

Once we return from our field trip to Birmingham, you will use your field trip experience to write about the events that took place in 1963.  Make sure your project includes the following elements:

Required elements (you must complete both)
_____        Personal photograph
_____        Photo analysis

Optional elements (choose three)
_____        Ballad (include two verses and a chorus)
_____        Creative nonfiction (memoir, diary)
_____        Fiction (short story, novel chapter)
_____        Persuasive text (letter, speech)

Product Format (choose one method to format your work)
_____        Power Point presentation
_____        Scrapbook (hard copy)

—you will have the opportunity to take pictures while you visit downtown.  We will get a chance to view a variety of statues, monuments, buildings, and Civil Rights posts.   Take as many pictures of these as possible.  You will use your photos to embed as pictures in your project.
--you must choose one of your photos to analyze.  This picture needs to be something that evokes emotion or makes an argument.

Photo analysis
--your analysis must be at least one paragraph in length.  Make sure you choose at least two elements from your picture to describe within your paragraph

--you may choose to write a ballad about the 16th Street Baptist Church bombing or the Children’s Crusade.  You should include 2 verses (at least four lines long) and one chorus (at least one line long).  Remember that a ballad tells a story.  Your poem should tell a story about the  bombing or crusade.

--In this piece, you will need to take on the persona of someone who participated in either the church bombing or children’s march.  The writing should be an accurate retelling of what happened to this person during the event.  Feel free to write this text as a diary entry.  This may require a bit of research for you, but your text should be written in your own words.

--this piece needs to show that you understand the elements of historical fiction.  Although this text should be based on either the children’s march or church bombing, you need to include elements of fiction as well.  You may write this up as a short story or a chapter from a novel.  Perhaps you would like to rewrite Chapter 14 of The Watsons Go to Birmingham.

Persuasive text
--This text may be written as a letter to the editor or as if you are an historical character making a speech about the events of the Civil Rights Movement.  Make sure you include at least two persuasive strategies in your writing.  This text should include an introduction, body , and conclusion. 

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