Thursday, May 12, 2016

Homework for Thursday, May 12, 2016

  • Complete NEWSELA article that I assigned in your NEWSELA binder.  This means read the article and complete the quiz
  • Complete another NEWSELA article of your choice.  In other words, choose ANY article on Newsela about a topic that you like, read it, and do the quiz
  • If you have time left, read your independent reading book and/or write in your journal

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Dress like a Greaser or a Soc for Outsiders Day

Outsiders Day is scheduled for Friday, January 29. On that day, we will watch the movie version of the story. Bonus points will be given to those who dress like either Socs or Greasers.  Here's a helpful slide show to guide you in dressing up. Notice that within the slide show there are links to other sites:

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Team 8-4 Who's Who Voting!

Every needs to vote for an 8-4 classmate for Who's Who!

Here's the link that will lead you to voting:

Friday, November 20, 2015

IXL Goals for Nov. 20 through Dec. 4

By Friday, November 20, the following IXL exercises should have been done:
7th Grade: A.1, A.2, A.3, and X.1

By Wednesday December 2, the following IXL exercises should be done:
7th Grade: Q.1, Q.2, Q.3, Q.4

By Friday December 4, the following IXL exercises should be done:
7th Grade: Y.1, Y.2, Y.3

All IXL exercises must be completed to 80 percent in order to receive full credit.
(Bonus points will be given for those completed to 100 percent)

Friday, November 13, 2015


Self-Editing Checklist
Are the first letters of all proper nouns CAPITALIZED?

Are the first letters of the first word in all sentences CAPITALIZED?

Are all RUN-ON SENTENCES corrected by either inserting a conjunction (examples: and, or, but, etc.), or by splitting them into two sentences, or by re-wording?

Did I use the spacebar to put ONE SPACE AFTER (but not before) all of my COMMAS, and PERIODS? [This does NOT apply to commas and periods that are used inside numbers (as in math), only to those used after words.]

Do I have PARAGRAPHS and are they INDENTED by using the TAB key?

Am I using PROPER GRAMMAR?  Remember that every sentence’s verb must agree with its subject.  So constructions like “She have” and “They has” are WRONG.  (Should be “She has” and “They have.”)

Have I been careful NOT TO CONFUSE WORDS that are often confused?  Examples: there, their, they’re; and to, too, two; its, it’s. etc.

Have I SPELLED ALL MY WORDS CORRECTLY?  Pay close attention to the “red-line” function on your Chromebooks.  It’s true that sometimes it red-lines correctly-spelled words that Google Chrome doesn’t recognize.  But in most instances it redlines words that are truly misspelled. PAY ATTENTION TO THE REDLINE FUNCTION!!

DO ALL OF MY SENTENCES MAKE SENSE? It is VERY IMPORTANT that you READ OUT LOUD to yourself all that you have written, and that you LISTEN TO YOUR OWN VOICE READING IT to make sure you have not left out words or put words together in ways that DO NOT MAKE SENSE?

Have I avoided CONVERSATIONAL words like “Well.”  as in statements like “Well, I’m going to tell you”?

Have I avoided REPEATING MYSELF?  One error eighth-graders often make is repetition of ideas or thoughts that are unnecessary.  As in: “The sun is a very large star.  It is huge.”  Also, have I avoided fluffy sentences such as telling the reader what you’re about to tell them?   Don’t do that!

Have I CAPITALIZED all instances of the pronoun “I” as in “What do I know?”