Listened to an actor read Raoul Dahl's short story "The Landlady" as we read along silently with our own copies. Here's what you need to catch up.
A copy of the story which can be found by PRESSING HERE.
A recording of the actor reading the story, which can be found in four parts as follows:
- Part 1 - http://bit.ly/1ByjJek
- Part 2 - http://bit.ly/1AeRP30
- Part 3 - http://goo.gl/R5iI3B
- Part 4 - http://goo.gl/wrvh5C
Worked in groups to analyze "The Landlady." If you were not here, you are still responsible for doing the assignment, which can be found on Google Classroom: http://bit.ly/1GiYpaX
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